Sunday, August 16, 2009


Life is strange, right? Strange in a good way, though. I don't think life would be as fun as it is if it wasn't strange.

I've been nostalgic for a couple of years. Thinking back to the good ole days... I would think "I was so much happier back then. I was so much more encouraging in high school. I never worried about stuff back then." First of all, this is in no way productive in getting back to the place that I obviously want to be. On a way more surprising note, I realized something today: I'm much happier now. I used to be so emo. I would mask it with happiness and encouragement, but I wasn't really happy. I think I'm happy now. Sure, there are things that I would like to change, however, I am content on where I am and working diligently to improve where I need improvement. This may not seem like a large thing to anyone else, but it's a huge deal! I've been struggling with this concept for years and it finally came to me today. Just out of no where.

Also, I've realized my issue with society. Everyone wants to be sad. No one would admit this, but it's true. Americans dwell so much on the negative. They want other people to get as mad as they do about the situation. They want people to tell them they're right. THEY AREN'T!!! Don't bring that crap home. It makes your family, friends, roommates, partners, etc. unnecessarily stressed out. Thus spreading your crap to the world. Then they'll spread the crap you gave them and thus perpetuate the cycle. Unnecessarily. You're problems, more than likely, are not that big of a deal. People don't have water to drink. They have to hide so they're not captured by militant groups. They are forced into the sex slave market at age 8. But we want to complain that we didn't get our way at the photo-copier. We want to whine that we weren't recognized as we thought we should be. Bollocks! That's what that is.

I am going to bed now. Sleep time.
<3 Lauren Rose

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