Today I've been sick. I went to the gym with Nikki and all was going well, until I got on the elliptical machine. I became so sick. I do not know if I've ever felt worse in my whole life. It wasn't because of the gym, it was different. Whew. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty much better now.
While at Beck's going away party the age-old questions was posed. "If you had to lose one of your senses, which would you choose?" I've been asked this question tons of times before but I've never put too much thought into it. Here's my list of why I could not live without each sense... this might get kind of senseless (don't judge my terrible joke).
- Hearing -- Well this one seems rather self-explanatory to me. I could not live without music. Let me rephrase this: I could not live without ever hearing music again. If I had never heard it, this might not be that difficult. You would never hear birds singing again. Never hear children laughing. Never hear someone say "I love you again". This would be close to impossible for me to choose to give up.
- Sight -- Sight seems like an obvious one to want to keep. Living your whole life as a seeing person and then giving that sense away would be really difficult. You could never see a beautiful guy again. A sunrise. The smile on the kid's faces in Saba. I would never again get to see Well's Bay. Sadness would ensue.
- Smell -- This is the most important one to me. I love smells. Even to not be able to smell bad smells would be sad to me. Never smelling cologne, Christmastime, autumn leaves, rain in a garden, hot tea on the stove, Saba Spice, pineapples, Thanksgiving dinner, my perfume, London, Greek food, garlic. Ooo man. That would be a sad life to know it and then lose that.
- Touch -- Touch has always seemed like a obvious choice to me. I mean, what's touch without the meaning behind it, anyway? Well, then I came to the snag of sexual pleasure. This may seem like a shallow and senseless reason to not choose touch, but it is my only reason.
- Taste -- This is the one I've chosen. I would much rather see, touch, smell, and hear the food than taste it. Smelling is half the fun of food, right? I may not be currently acting like a good foodie, but it's my decision
Decision made.
I miss Saba. The kids, the people, the sun, the wind, the smell, Big Rock Store, Ting, Johnny Cakes, everything! I need to go back soon. I cannot believe that we didn't go this year. It seems wrong. Those kids don't have very good influences for them on the island, and we were absent this year. We suck. I feel like I'm letting people down left and right. Anyway, I'll be back next year.
Well, kiddos... I'm out.
<3 Night all.
-Lauren Rose
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