Sunday, August 9, 2009

Last Blog Merging Post

Am I a new person? I think not.

I am working on myself, though. (That sounds funny coming from a girl wearing a wife beater with no bra). I need to be more positive. I need to be more organized. I need to be more encouraging to others. It's kind of weird to think that people look up to you when you see all of your own flaws. While I was gone this weekend (I went to Cedar Pointe theme park), Lee told me that I was the reason that he is who he is now. That's enough to shake a person's soul. I mean I go around thinking that no one cares. Not that no one cares about me, but that no one cares what I do. However, I guess that my actions do echo to others. Wow. Profound, huh?

This is a short one tonight because I am so tired.

I went to see Joe about my stomach pain. He doesn't have an idea as to what it is, but he took 7 viles of blood and I'm doing poop tests. Those aren't embarassing at all.... I just hope that whatever it is, there is something I can do to make it better. He also gave me the absolutely awesome news that my metabolism is 1/4 of a normal person's because of my parents. Thanks guys!! I need to lose some major weight, he told me. As if I didn't already know. I'm just saying... when someone is fat they do not like being reminded that they are so. I'll be ok. I'm going to do it.

I had a great time this weekend. I, of course, didn't ride anything but I had a good time watching people enjoy themselves on the rides. I liked being able to help out by holding stuff. Being with the youth group is very refreshing. I like those kids. :) They're fun people. I'm really glad that, even if it's not ideal, the youth group is flourishing. They are growing, and that's good. I remember when it was just me and Lee in the youth group. Nikki had moved away and TMoss didn't speak to anyone at that time. And Beck did a good job with the group. They're really going to miss him.

I'm going to play a little Name That Tune with Bertha before sleep.

Night kiddos!

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