Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Blog Merging

Hello lovelies.

I am currently merging two blogs. I am going to post the past 4 blog entries that I've had on my other blog.

Insomnia and Celebrity Gossip

Well, hello.

I'm not even sure if anyone other than myself will read this blog. I do not know who would really want to, haha.

Summer school sucks. Never let anyone lie to you. If someone approaches you and proposes that you attend summer school --- RUN STRIAGHT AWAY! It is not "laid back". It is not "fun". I should amend my statement slightly, though: the teachers are more laid back in their personality, but that does not mean that my professors are taking it easy on me. Bioethics is a little bit more tolerable now. I always feel bad when I hate a class -- I feel like my teachers believe it's a personal attack -- but bioethics is so depressing. I am not in a biology field, so this seems rather superfluous to be required of me. Dr. Morris' class is great, as usual, except for the fach that everyone in my class sucks. They all seem scared of Dr. Morris. That never makes for a fun class.

Why am I even still awake right now? This is why I never get more than 6 hours of sleep a night.

You know what I'm feeling quite strongly about right now? This whole Perez Hilton/Black Eyed Peas/John Mayer/Twitter thing. I feel like I should say, first off, that I absolutely love Perez Hilton. He may be completely different in real life, as is the possibility with all celebrities, but he seems so pleasant to be around. Yes, he jokes about people, but that is part of his charm. It is also how he makes his living.

It is completely absurd to think that he deserves what he got. No one deserves to be beaten. He is a person. People have rights. It does not matter whether you find him annoying/immoral/incorrect/disrespectful -- he is HUMAN. This is one of the problems that society has today: as soon as a person provokes someone, the attacked person attacks. Both sides take fault at this point. However, as I said previously, no one deserves the violence inflicted on them.

Now, on to Perez/John/Twitter: Perez and John seemed to be in a relatively joking manner. (My favorite part of this is that I seem to personally know these people). At least I hope so. I cannot have two of my faves at odds. I also, do believe the John was sincerely trying to help. He should have done so, however, in a different medium than Twitter. Now, I love Twitter, however it is not an appropriate place to have a fight.

I need sleep. It has come to me. My eyelids are droopy now. Goodnight moon. <3

-Lauren Rose

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