Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Other than that: life is awesome! In my mind busy=awesome. I hate having nothing to do.
I am busy with school. I had an interview with the school president this morning. He is such a nice man. I love when people love Shorter and are hospitable! Yay!
I have a thing for guys in the military. I can't help it. I know it's cliche. I think it's a power thing.
Well, I'm going to bed. I promise I'll write a real entry at some point. I took Thera Flu and I'm going to pass out SOON! Night.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Too Tired to Function
I haven't stopped all day. I like it, though. I like being busy.
Here's the rundown.
1) Woke up.
2) Class at 9 -- Historical Methods with Morris (sadly, I dropped this class and replaced it. Bye bye Dr. Morris)
3) Class at 10 -- History of England with Morris (YAY)
4) Break around campus
5) Class at 12 -- Intro to Philosophy with Werner (Ugh, I'm not going to like this one)
6) Class at 1 -- Shakespeare with Vosevich ( I am SO excited!)
7) Lunch and meeting with newspaper staff
8) Newspaper class at 3 (SO many more writers than we thought, YAY)
9) Bunch of junk... until present.
I'm home. I am sorry it's so terse however I'm too tired to function. Must sleep. Night lovelies.
<3 Lauren Rose
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Just Call Me Rory Gilmore...
I woke up.
I showered.
I went to the Barnes.
I drove around.
I went to school.
I learned about the newspaper.
I got excited about the newspaper.
I went to Michael's.
I ate at Gondelier's.
I came home.
I talked to the rents.
I wrote an essay.
I'm procrastinating.
I'm too excited about the newspaper. I'm nervous that I won't be good at it, but we'll see. I guess that's all I can say.
I am currently procrastinating. I need to write more essays. I'm just so tired. This is not the way to start the semester. Yuck.
I'm going to do it, and keep up with M.E.N.
Night guys <3
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
These Boots Were Made for Walkin
So, the gym kicked my tail today. We moved on to strength training. Yuck! Maybe one day I'll look like this...
Maybe one day...
Anyway -- I'm feeling like we should discuss the awesome antique store visit I had. I should let you know that I am normally hesitant to go to antique stores with Nikki because I know that this means hours in a hot-never-ending room of other people's junk. Well, my mind has been changed. I've become a believer! I found some awesome stuff. I found some jewelry ($4), 3 Mediterranean inspired vases ($8), a Jordan Knight fashion figure.. aka doll.. for Kortney, and (THE STEAL OF MY LIFE) a pair of awesome cowboy boots for only $18. This is unheard of! Similar boots that I was looking at were close to $200. That's outrageous! I think it's important to note that I am not a redneck for purchasng boots. I am merely feeling the cowgirl boot trend that's going on right now. That is all.
Mine are similar to this without the fashionably backwards embroidered sunflowers on the side. Maybe those are daisies. Anyone a botanist around here?
Anyway, I am a believer now!
Let's talk about excitement: I'm excited about Chris Cannon's bonfire at his house :) It should be a lot of fun right before school starts. Plus, I love bonfires. Everything, well almost everything (I'm afraid of fire), is perfect at a bonfire. People look so much better in the glow of a blazing fire. Does that make me sound like David Berkowitz or something? I hope not!
In other news... I tuned a mandolin today. Yes, folks, you heard me correctly. A mandolin. I didn't know people ear-tuned mandolins anymore. Well people who aren't Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, at least. My dad was fairly excited that I tuned that for him, I think. So that's good. It was offensive how terrible it sounded because it was so badly out of tune. So I watched this man who looked like a mixture of the dude from Reading Rainbow and Simon/Garfunkel (always confuse them so it's easier to group into one category) tune a mandolin on Youtube and then I followed suit. This was a learning process for me. So thanks Reading Rainbow - Simon/Garfunkel man.
It should be mentioned how I think Garfunkel is the coolest name on the planet. But that's another post for another time.
Well, I'm going to go email Dr. Morris. That sounds more intriguing than it really is. So I'll leave you with that.
<3 Lauren Rose
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fashion show and the economy
So... I've been in a bad mood tonight. Thinking about the current economic situation really makes me angry. REALLY ANGRY. I get mad because it's not our generation's fault. We are answering for the mistakes of our parents and their parents. So as much as I love their generation -- they effed us up!
I'm done ranting about economics.
You know what I'm feeling right now? Belted shirts/dresses. I love them. I know it's been around a while (and we've all seen it done) but this technique seems to solve many common wardrobe problems. This seems to hide problematic tummy issues, and don't make you feel self-conscience about it. Right?
Also, on Emma Stone's shoes -- I LOVE THEM! They are absolutely way too cute. The zipper adds a little bit of flair to a rather simple strappy heel. Of course, they're Jimmy Choo (which means I immediately love them), so I'm sure they're worth every penny she paid for them. I'm also crushing on her bangle cuff. I'm totally gay for her outfit right now!
However, I'm really bothered by the fact that fashion magazines are doing sections of "recession acceptable" designer finds. Not that they're doing them, but that it's not really recession acceptable. Less than 5% of people can afford a $195 bag for back to school. Granted it's better than $500, but it's still not recession acceptable. Thanks for looking out for us though.
Pa (my mom's dad) had back surgery today and he did wonderfully. :) I'm so proud. The doctor's did a great job, and he's in no pain anymore. Yay for modern medicine!
Well, I'm really hungry so I'm going to bed. That way, I can sleep and when I wake up it's time to eat again. Night guys. <3
Lauren Rose
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I've been nostalgic for a couple of years. Thinking back to the good ole days... I would think "I was so much happier back then. I was so much more encouraging in high school. I never worried about stuff back then." First of all, this is in no way productive in getting back to the place that I obviously want to be. On a way more surprising note, I realized something today: I'm much happier now. I used to be so emo. I would mask it with happiness and encouragement, but I wasn't really happy. I think I'm happy now. Sure, there are things that I would like to change, however, I am content on where I am and working diligently to improve where I need improvement. This may not seem like a large thing to anyone else, but it's a huge deal! I've been struggling with this concept for years and it finally came to me today. Just out of no where.
Also, I've realized my issue with society. Everyone wants to be sad. No one would admit this, but it's true. Americans dwell so much on the negative. They want other people to get as mad as they do about the situation. They want people to tell them they're right. THEY AREN'T!!! Don't bring that crap home. It makes your family, friends, roommates, partners, etc. unnecessarily stressed out. Thus spreading your crap to the world. Then they'll spread the crap you gave them and thus perpetuate the cycle. Unnecessarily. You're problems, more than likely, are not that big of a deal. People don't have water to drink. They have to hide so they're not captured by militant groups. They are forced into the sex slave market at age 8. But we want to complain that we didn't get our way at the photo-copier. We want to whine that we weren't recognized as we thought we should be. Bollocks! That's what that is.
I am going to bed now. Sleep time.
<3 Lauren Rose
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Gaining an inspiration
Today's been a long day. I got up (after about 4 hours of sleep) and went to Shorter to help with move in day. It was so hot! I was trying to find the positive in the situation, but I could not. I mean, I had good company, so that's good. Then we (Rob, Jill, and I) went to visit Nikki at work. Then we went to eat with a ton of people. Then back to Nikki's work. I came home really fast and took a shower because my cousin LeAnn is in town for Army Reserve training. She'll be in Iraq in January. We went and ate dinner. Then went to the movies, and have returned home finally. That's a lot to do in one day.
I found my work out inspiration. I know that sounds wayyy dumb, but I have to have a reason to keep me motivated. Obviously my own health is the number 1 concern, but there has to be more than that. So here goes: Scarlett from the new G.I. Joe movie. She's awesome. I need to be bad a... like her. I will one day.
I'm off to bed. Church in the A.M. Then LIFE group. Yuck. Is that bad to say? I mean, I think it is, but I don't care. I love my church, I'm just not feeling getting up in the A.M.
Lauren Rose
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
An Island and Four Senses
Today I've been sick. I went to the gym with Nikki and all was going well, until I got on the elliptical machine. I became so sick. I do not know if I've ever felt worse in my whole life. It wasn't because of the gym, it was different. Whew. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty much better now.
While at Beck's going away party the age-old questions was posed. "If you had to lose one of your senses, which would you choose?" I've been asked this question tons of times before but I've never put too much thought into it. Here's my list of why I could not live without each sense... this might get kind of senseless (don't judge my terrible joke).
- Hearing -- Well this one seems rather self-explanatory to me. I could not live without music. Let me rephrase this: I could not live without ever hearing music again. If I had never heard it, this might not be that difficult. You would never hear birds singing again. Never hear children laughing. Never hear someone say "I love you again". This would be close to impossible for me to choose to give up.
- Sight -- Sight seems like an obvious one to want to keep. Living your whole life as a seeing person and then giving that sense away would be really difficult. You could never see a beautiful guy again. A sunrise. The smile on the kid's faces in Saba. I would never again get to see Well's Bay. Sadness would ensue.
- Smell -- This is the most important one to me. I love smells. Even to not be able to smell bad smells would be sad to me. Never smelling cologne, Christmastime, autumn leaves, rain in a garden, hot tea on the stove, Saba Spice, pineapples, Thanksgiving dinner, my perfume, London, Greek food, garlic. Ooo man. That would be a sad life to know it and then lose that.
- Touch -- Touch has always seemed like a obvious choice to me. I mean, what's touch without the meaning behind it, anyway? Well, then I came to the snag of sexual pleasure. This may seem like a shallow and senseless reason to not choose touch, but it is my only reason.
- Taste -- This is the one I've chosen. I would much rather see, touch, smell, and hear the food than taste it. Smelling is half the fun of food, right? I may not be currently acting like a good foodie, but it's my decision
Decision made.
I miss Saba. The kids, the people, the sun, the wind, the smell, Big Rock Store, Ting, Johnny Cakes, everything! I need to go back soon. I cannot believe that we didn't go this year. It seems wrong. Those kids don't have very good influences for them on the island, and we were absent this year. We suck. I feel like I'm letting people down left and right. Anyway, I'll be back next year.
Well, kiddos... I'm out.
<3 Night all.
-Lauren Rose
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A rant and a dream
I am back. Today has been a good day. I went shopping, then worked out, then ate, and then watched Mamma Mia.
I love Mamma Mia so much. It's everything I want to be. I want to be in Greece. I love everything about Greece. I love the laid back lifestyle. The sun. The beaches. The colors (whites, blues, oranges, yellows). The food. Ooo everything. I am hoping to get to go there this summer. On a dig. That would be absolutely the best.
I am currently uploading all of my music onto my computer. I had an embarassing 272 songs on my computer. I'm up to 430 something right now. I should have a fairly good collection when we're finished. This should be good.
So here's something that has been bugging me recently. I cannot stand complacency. I, as a college student, understand the expectation to become complacent. Everyone seems to be against you. They, of course, would never say that and would deny any such claims -- but it is true. They yearn for you to fulfill that stereotype. Fall into the dregs. Sink lower and lower. Hit rock bottom and stay. Grades slip, hygene slips, interaction is almost nonexistent, and the sufferer's diet consists almost completely of Ramen and Koolaid.
I refuse.
I refuse to become that. Not only college complacency bothers me, though. People who feel like they'll never "get away" because they "can't". That irks me. Maybe I'm surrounded by this because I live in a small Southern town and I went to a small Southern high school. Most everyone left high school and went to the local community college and work at a small restaurant downtown. I understand this may be "right" for some people and I may be currently suffering from being overly judgemental, but I cannot deal with people like that.
I'm off my rant now. Just please don't become complacent folks, ok?
I had the absolutely best dream I've ever had last night. It was so real. It involved the Jonas Brothers. Yes, I know. I'm 21 years old and I act like a 12 year old. I can't help it. I think it makes me cute :). Right?
I'm learning a lot on Unwrapped tonight.
Alright. I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll be able to relive that dream again. *crosses fingers*
Night all. <3
Lauren Rose
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Food and Archaeology (and Artichokes)
I am here. I am nervous about this blogspot. I have never successfully kept a blog. This could be a new world for me. We'll see.
Today, I went with Nikki, Lily, and Mom to see Julie and Julia. It was so good. I loved seeing Paris. I loved seeing the food. I loved the music. There were so many good things going on in that movie. The entire feeling of the movie was inspiring. I feel like I should now cook through her cook book. The movie made me realize something: I love food. I'm in a tough place because I need to lose weight (who in America doesn't?) but I absolutely love food. I love everything about it. The smell. The taste. The nostalgia it awakes. The memories. You know when you walk into the store and you smell a little bit of sage and something sweet accompanying it? It takes you directly to Thanksgiving Day 1989. Right? You smell Earl Grey and sweet biscuits and you're transported directly back to High Tea in London. It's an absolutely breathtaking experience we are allowed to have daily.
I thought this love of food would be a problem in the weight lose endeavor... however, upon reassessment I think it will help. I love good food. Normally when you go to a restaurant to eat, you're getting something mass produced and uninspired. You can inspire your own food at home. Whatever you're feeling can be brought to life with a nice creamy hummus or a wonderfully savory fritter. I think I can do this. I think I can love food and lose weight. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
As cliche as this sounds coming from a youth of the nation: I think I've figured out what I want to do for a career. I want to be an archaeologist. I can do that, right? I've always been interested in digging, and I was looking at the Archaeology Magazine in Barnes and Noble and I could not put it down. I needed to read everything. That's a good enough reason to pursue a graduate degree, right? Haha. I, like most college students, need guidance. I need to know that I'm making the right choice, however, no one can decide that but myself.
Graduate school? At least 2 more years of school. US or abroad? Doctorate? There are so many decisions that no one ever preps you for. They may mention that a decision has to be made at one point, but they never tell you anything other than "follow your heart". I get it. I get it. I understand that is technically true but it seems like a cop-out occasionally.
On another note: I am always sick. I'm not upset about it because I'm used to it now... I just wish I had an answer. I don't even technically need a solution -- I just need to know.
Well, I'm going to bed. I am so sleepy right now. I think it's because I definitely did not get enough sleep last night and I slept on the floor because Katie was over. Night everyone (the conditional everyone.)
<3 Hope your day is great!
-Lauren Rose
Last Blog Merging Post
Am I a new person? I think not.
I am working on myself, though. (That sounds funny coming from a girl wearing a wife beater with no bra). I need to be more positive. I need to be more organized. I need to be more encouraging to others. It's kind of weird to think that people look up to you when you see all of your own flaws. While I was gone this weekend (I went to Cedar Pointe theme park), Lee told me that I was the reason that he is who he is now. That's enough to shake a person's soul. I mean I go around thinking that no one cares. Not that no one cares about me, but that no one cares what I do. However, I guess that my actions do echo to others. Wow. Profound, huh?
This is a short one tonight because I am so tired.
I went to see Joe about my stomach pain. He doesn't have an idea as to what it is, but he took 7 viles of blood and I'm doing poop tests. Those aren't embarassing at all.... I just hope that whatever it is, there is something I can do to make it better. He also gave me the absolutely awesome news that my metabolism is 1/4 of a normal person's because of my parents. Thanks guys!! I need to lose some major weight, he told me. As if I didn't already know. I'm just saying... when someone is fat they do not like being reminded that they are so. I'll be ok. I'm going to do it.
I had a great time this weekend. I, of course, didn't ride anything but I had a good time watching people enjoy themselves on the rides. I liked being able to help out by holding stuff. Being with the youth group is very refreshing. I like those kids. :) They're fun people. I'm really glad that, even if it's not ideal, the youth group is flourishing. They are growing, and that's good. I remember when it was just me and Lee in the youth group. Nikki had moved away and TMoss didn't speak to anyone at that time. And Beck did a good job with the group. They're really going to miss him.
I'm going to play a little Name That Tune with Bertha before sleep.
Night kiddos!
Continuing Blog Merging
Wow... I'm such a terrible blog keeper already. I posted once and then took a hiatus.
I am so behind on school work. However, this is my last week. Maybe I'll have a 4.0 for this semester. Haha, does that even count if you're only taking 2 four week classes? Probably not. However, I will have achieved my goal of getting a 4.0 GPA for a semester.
Ooo, what to say? Well, I almost cried in class the other day. I don't think I posted about this already. I really can't remember. We were taking a break from class and I was sitting in the classroom with Dr. Morris alone. He asked me the dreaded question. You know... THE QUESTION. It is a question that brings forth fear and repulsion in the heart of most college students: What are you planning to do after graduation? What do I respond? "Well, Dr. Morris the economy's in the crapper and NO ONE is getting a job, so I'm scared out of my mind!" No. Heaven forbid. I tell him that I do not know what I'll choose to do, and he acts like the world has ended. He begins telling me, in his very loving way, that I need to find out. And that now is not the time to be wishy-washy. Onto the tears -- he then proceeds to give me an outstanding compliment. He tells me that I believes I should apply for the Fulbright Scholarship as a master's program. He then tells me that he's never told that to any graduating student before. He believes I should get the Fulbright and go to study archaeology in England.
Now, that being said, I do not believe that I would ever be awarded the Fulbright. Most Fulbright scholars graduate with a 4.0. I will be lucky to have 3.5. I understand that is a perfectly okay GPA to graduate with, but it is not the makings of a Fulbright. I think it would also be very intimidating to follow in Dr. Butcher's foot steps. She is an absolute genius and I do not think I could do that.
Well, hmm. This is the last week of classes. Yay!! I will be finished. I am never taking summer classes again. Ever.
Nikki's surgery is a week away. :) So excited for her. If anyone reads this, and that person is a man/woman of God, please pray for her a safe/speedy recovery.
Harper's Island was absolutely bazaar. Chloe killed herself. Very poetic. I cannot believe she did it, but it was so strong and poetic of her. I think, also, that it paints an alternate view of people who commit suicide. They are not all weak people. They are sometimes strong people faced with a difficult choice. They are sometimes sick. Cal died. Sadness. I loved him. I also believe that Danny's days are numbered. As much as I love him, Wakefield was following him in the woods. That's never good. That's like seeing the Grim. You know that death is swiftly approaching. Shane redeemed himself in my eyes. He fought to protect the girls and he was courageous until the very end.
I love how I write this stuff, about Harper's, like it really matters. Haha.
I sadly am old and must sleep. Two classes tomorrow.
New Blog Merging
I am currently merging two blogs. I am going to post the past 4 blog entries that I've had on my other blog.
Insomnia and Celebrity Gossip
Well, hello.
I'm not even sure if anyone other than myself will read this blog. I do not know who would really want to, haha.
Summer school sucks. Never let anyone lie to you. If someone approaches you and proposes that you attend summer school --- RUN STRIAGHT AWAY! It is not "laid back". It is not "fun". I should amend my statement slightly, though: the teachers are more laid back in their personality, but that does not mean that my professors are taking it easy on me. Bioethics is a little bit more tolerable now. I always feel bad when I hate a class -- I feel like my teachers believe it's a personal attack -- but bioethics is so depressing. I am not in a biology field, so this seems rather superfluous to be required of me. Dr. Morris' class is great, as usual, except for the fach that everyone in my class sucks. They all seem scared of Dr. Morris. That never makes for a fun class.
Why am I even still awake right now? This is why I never get more than 6 hours of sleep a night.
You know what I'm feeling quite strongly about right now? This whole Perez Hilton/Black Eyed Peas/John Mayer/Twitter thing. I feel like I should say, first off, that I absolutely love Perez Hilton. He may be completely different in real life, as is the possibility with all celebrities, but he seems so pleasant to be around. Yes, he jokes about people, but that is part of his charm. It is also how he makes his living.
It is completely absurd to think that he deserves what he got. No one deserves to be beaten. He is a person. People have rights. It does not matter whether you find him annoying/immoral/incorrect/disrespectful -- he is HUMAN. This is one of the problems that society has today: as soon as a person provokes someone, the attacked person attacks. Both sides take fault at this point. However, as I said previously, no one deserves the violence inflicted on them.
Now, on to Perez/John/Twitter: Perez and John seemed to be in a relatively joking manner. (My favorite part of this is that I seem to personally know these people). At least I hope so. I cannot have two of my faves at odds. I also, do believe the John was sincerely trying to help. He should have done so, however, in a different medium than Twitter. Now, I love Twitter, however it is not an appropriate place to have a fight.
I need sleep. It has come to me. My eyelids are droopy now. Goodnight moon. <3
-Lauren Rose